
Name: Francis Oliso-Emosingoit
Coaching certificate: Level 1
Classification: 2.0
Mobility aids: Crutches and wheelchair user

How I joined: As I was walking to an afternoon lecture, a man driving a trailer pulled up alongside me and asked me if my crutches were permanent, to which I replied yes, slightly confused. He then told me Phoenix were doing training sessions in the sports hall on Monday & Friday evenings and were looking for students to attend. This man went by the name of Stuart. I went along and really enjoyed myself.

Why I play: I began playing towards the end of 2011. The more I attended and started to improve the more my interest in the sport grew. I attended a summer camp in 2012 where I met so many talented players who had been playing for varying amounts of time. I learnt a lot that week and started to realise how much I loved the sport and had a strong desire to improve. I went back the following year and with continued training with Phoenix became really committed to the sport and team. I continue to play as I love the fast paced and intense nature of the sport and retain the desire to improve!